Breast Pain/Mastalgia 

Breast pain is a very common condition. Up to 70% of women will experience it at some time in their life. We often think that pain is a cause for concern, but this is rarely the case with breast pain. In fact, it is so common that is often considered to be a normal function of the body, rather than a disease. Some women can have severe discomfort due to extremes of these normal changes. Occasionally infection or injury to the breast, or an illness like shingles can cause pain – this can be treated and the pain usually resolves. However, many women continue to experience ongoing pain that does not have an obvious cause. Breast pain is not usually a sign of cancer, particularly if you have normal findings on examination and breast imaging.

A/Prof Mak or Dr Graham will discuss the common causes of breast pain and treatment options during your consultation.

See more:

Breast Conditions